Well, May was certainly exciting. Our Morning Republican meeting was well attended. 24 people. Our speaker was Sen. Ronnie Cromer. He brought an update of bills that have been working their way through the process.
This is a recap of his report:
S1: Fetal Heartbeat Bill. Passed the Legislature and signed by Gov. McMaster
S38: Reach Act. Add current law requirement that all high schools and institutions of higher learning give instruction in the essentials of The US Constitution, Declaration of Independence and Federalist Papers for at least one year. Status: House Education and Public Works Committee
S200: Death Sentences. This bill added firing squad. Status: House Education and Public Works Committee
H3608: Public Charter Schools. Appropriations. Status: Senate Non-Concurrence with Amendments returned to House. New Charter School in lower end of Newberry.
S16: Personal Finance. Require the completion of basic personal finance course work for high school seniors before graduation. Status House Education and Public Works Committee
S615: Interscholastic Activity Participation
S689: Income tax filing Sent to House
S704: Return to five-day in person classroom instruction. Sent to House
All bills can be looked up on SCStatehouse.gov.
Coroner Laura Kneece introduced Deputy Coroner, Madison Cates.
Budget week session tonight at County Council at 6pm. You can watch via the county website.
Laura asked Sen Cromer if there is any legislation on the new “squatted trucks”?
Newberry County Coroner’s office Foundation
1. 3x1,000 scholarships for graduating senior that will major in forensic.
2. Fundraising ideas
3. In need of Board Members
4. Laura encouraged everyone to start speaking with your County Council members to push for more fundraising in the public safety area. With the growth forthcoming, your public safety is already behind.
May 15 was the Hybrid South Carolina Republican Party Convention. Due to covid restrictions we were unable to gather from across the state in one location. We, therefore, met together in locations around the state and used Zoom to join together. We voted by paper ballots to ensure that there were no discrepancies. Our person in Columbia to report our vote was C.J. Connelly. After each vote was tallied the results were called in to Columbia to be added to the official board count. The elected officials are:
Chairman: Drew McKissick
Leader of the party, spokesman, main fundraiser
1st Vice Chairman: Cindy Risher
Opposite sex a chairman to fill in if chairman is unavailable
2nd Vice Chairman: Kizzie Smalls
Minority outreach
3rd Vice Chairman: Leighton Grey Smith
Youth outreach
South Carolina is in good hands for the next two years. Former Pres. Trump called in to congratulate Drew on his win!
Photos from the Convention:
May 20th was our regular monthly meeting. Our planned and announced speaker was Lt. Governor Pamela Evette. Due to an unexpected problem, she was not able to attend. Our Vice Chairman, Janice Likes hustled around and was able to get Leighton Grey Smith the newly elected 3rd Vice Chair of the South Carolina Republican Party. Her job is youth recruitment.
We have so many new people involved in Newberry. There is a need for a youth involvement. There were 34 people attending.
These changes are unavoidable but with a good list of speakers we are able to substitute.
Future scheduled speakers:
June 14 Jody Hamm, Newberry School Board
June 17 Cong. Joe Wilson and a representative of South Carolina’s Conservative Future
July 12 Kyle Kneece, Fire Safety
July 15 Lt Governor Pamela Evette
August 9 TBA
August 19 Attorney General Alan Wilson
September 13 TBA
September 16 Cong. Ralph Norman
October 11 TBA
October 21 SCGOP Chairman Drew McKissick
The TBA dates will be filled in. Vice Chairman Janice Likes is hard at work lining up speakers. Well done.
Newberry Morning GOP Every 2nd Monday 125 North Main St, Prosperity 10:30
Newberry GOP Every 3rd Thursday The Depot, Prosperity 7pm
Contact Information:
Charm Altman 864-504-7219
Janice Likes 864-415-7119